• 收集個人資料

    Personal Information Collection Statement - Privacy Terms



    凡申請會員資格,您必須填寫您的姓名、電子郵件地址和郵寄地址。所有收集的信息僅供內部使用,不會透露給第三方。拒絕填寫信息的客戶可能會阻止您訪問或使用網站上的功能和服務,或者可能會延遲您的請求和申請流程。 如果您使用信用卡(VISA、萬事達卡)或網上交易平台付款(WeChat Pay、AlipayHK、FPS),所要求的信息將直接解碼並傳輸至相關銀行或網上交易平台。我們保證重要的信息不會被撤銷。



    我們收集您的個人資料是為了向我們的客戶提供最合適和優質的售後服務。 我們會檢查客戶過去的購買記錄和習慣,以加強我們的服務。 所有材料、購物模式和數據僅供內部應用。 我們亦會透過閣下提供的個人資料,發送最新的產品資訊、優惠及其他特別優惠。



    您提供給本公司的個人資料,只有因業務性質而獲得授權的員工才可以閱讀相關信息。 所有業務合作夥伴和第三方都無法讀取您的個人數據。 信用卡驗證和付款確認直接由相關銀行處理。益創膳食品科技有限公司不會保留數據,以保護客戶的個人信息不被洩露,信用卡驗證和付款確認直接與相關銀行處理。 請記住,每次採購訂單完成後,註銷並關閉工作窗口,過期的會話將確保第三方無法再登錄該頁面。






    您可以通過點擊網站上的“個人資料”來更改會員的登錄名和密碼。 請記住您更新後的密碼,以免將您的密碼洩露給第三方。 在任何情況下,我們都不會通過電話或電子郵件驗證您的密碼。



    Collection of Personal Data

    To apply for membership, you must fill in your name, email address and mailing address. All information collected is for internal use only and will not be disclosed to third parties. A customer who refuses to fill in the information may prevent you from accessing or using the features and services on the website or may delay your request and application process. If you make a payment by credit card (VISA, Master Card) or online payment platform(WeChat Pay、Alipayhk、FPS), the information requested will be decoded directly and transmitted to the relevant bank or online payment platform. We guarantee that important information will not be withdrawn.


    Applications for the Collection of Personal Data

    We collect your personal data to provide the most appropriate and high-quality after-sales services to our customers. We will examine our customers' past purchase records and habits to enhance our services. All materials, shopping patterns and data are for internal application only. We will also send the latest product information, offers and other special promotions through the personal data provided by you.



    Your personal data provided to the Company and only employees with authority due to the nature of business may read the relevant information. Your personal data cannot be read by all business partners and third parties. Credit card verification and payment confirmation are handled directly with the bank concerned. Meat The Next Co. Ltd will not retain the data in order to protect the customer's personal information from leakage, credit card verification and payment confirmation are handled directly with the bank concerned. Keep in mind that each time the purchase order is completed, log off and close the work window, and expired session will ensure that third parties can no longer log on to the page.


    Web Links

    Goolab Technology Company Limited and its related websites or pages may contain links to other websites or pages that are not part of Goolab Technology Company Limited , regardless of their content or privacy policy, it is not related to Goolab Technology Company Limited .


    Update Personal Data

    You may change your member's login & password by pressing "Personal Data" on the website. Please remember your updated password in order to avoid exposing your password to third parties. We will not, under any circumstances, verify your password by phone or e-mail.